Sadanji Ichikawa Ⅳ
歌舞伎名作撰 一谷嫩軍記 熊谷陣屋
The Best Selection of Kabuki "Ichinotani Futaba Gunki Kumagai Jinya
歌舞伎名作撰 近江源氏先陣館 盛綱陣屋
Moritsuna's Battle Camp / Kabuki meisakusen, omi genji senjin yakata, moritsuna jinya
歌舞伎名作撰 梶原平三誉石切
The Stone-Cutting Feat of Kajiwara / Kabuki meisakusen, kajiwara heizo homare no ishikiri
歌舞伎名作撰 勧進帳(平成9年収録版)
The Best Selection of Kabuki "Kanjincho
歌舞伎名作撰 極付幡随長兵衛
The Renowned Banzui Choobei / Kabuki meisakusen, kiwametsuki banzui choobei
歌舞伎名作撰 天衣粉上野初花 河内山
The Best Selection of Kabuki "Kumonimagou Uenohatsuhana Kochiyama
歌舞伎名作撰 暫・外郎売
Wait a Moment, The Medicine Peddler / Kabuki meisakusen, shibaraku, uirouri
歌舞伎名作撰 白浪五人男
The Best Selection of Kabuki "Shiranami Gonin Otoko
歌舞伎名作撰 菅原伝授手習鑑 車引・賀の祝
Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy, Pulling the Carriage Apart, The Birthday Celebration / Kabuki meisakusen, sugawara denju tenarai kagami, kurumabiki, ga no iwai
歌舞伎名作撰 助六由縁江戸桜
Sukeroku-Flower of Edo / Kabuki meisakusen, sukeroku yukari no edozakura
歌舞伎名作撰 曽我綉?御所染 御所五郎蔵
The Gallant's Kimono Dyed with the Soga Design, Gorozo the Gallant / Kabuki meisakusen, soga moyo tateshi no goshozome, gosho no gorozo
歌舞伎名作撰 義経千本桜 渡海屋・大物浦
Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees, The House of the Boatman,Tokaiya Ginpei, The Beach at Daimotsu / Kabuki meisakusen, yoshitsune sembon zakura, tokaiya, daimotsunora
助六由縁江戸桜 (1977)
Sukeroku-Flower of Edo / Sukeroku yukari no edozakura
白浪五人男 (1986)
Shiranami Gonin Otoko
極付幡随長兵衛 (1988)
The Renowned Banzui Choobei / Kiwametsuki banzui choobei
勧進帳 (1997)
天衣粉上野初花 河内山 (1999)
Kumonimagou Uenohatsuhana Kochiyama
梶原平三誉石切 (1999)
The Stone-Cutting Feat of Kajiwara / Kajiwara heizo homare no ishikiri
曽我綉?御所染 御所五郎蔵 (2001)
The Gallant's Kimono Dyed with the Soga Design, Gorozo the Gallant / Soga moyo tateshi no goshozome, gosho no gorozo
一谷嫩軍記 熊谷陣屋 (2002)
Ichinotani Futaba Gunki Kumagai Jinya
菅原伝授手習鑑 賀の祝 (2002)
Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy, The Birthday Celebration / Sugawara denju tenarai kagami, ga no iwai
暫 (2003)
Wait a Moment / Shibaraku
義経千本桜 渡海屋 (2004)
Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees, The House of the Boatman,Tokaiya Ginpei / Yoshitsune sembon zakura, tokaiya
義経千本桜 大物浦 (2004)
Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees, The Beach at Daimotsu / Yoshitsune sembon zakura, daimotsunora
近江源氏先陣館 盛綱陣屋 (2008)
Moritsuna's Battle Camp / Omi genji senjin yakata, moritsuna jinya